Created by Desperado Surgoi
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UPDATES September 11, 2002- God Bless America! It's been a year today since the horrific attacks. Hope you all hug your loved ones today. BTW- if something happens today, there's a reason I'm so happy. I did this yesterday on the 10th, so unless it happens before I leave for school, it won't appear hear. Anyway, updated the links, some new shibby comics there including MacHall and Mory's Education. Check em out. Layout v3 is yet to come to the web, but I must admit, it look shibby. and it works for you viewers who use a 800x600 screen. ^_~ September 8, 2002- It seems that I was late on this update. So I apologize greatly for this. I was working hard on Wednesday's comic and I just didn't work on editing today's. Sorry again. Anyway, Wednesday I'm having a filler or memorial up, and I don't know if I'll add a comic with it. Check out then to find out. Also, new layout possible in the near future. September 5, 2002- It's official, your artist (me) is officially a lowly freshman ::sigh:: who is single. Beh, I say! Love never did anything for me anyway. Anyway, that's my mini-rant. Ooo, what's Gene going to say, you wonder? Oh, you'll have to wait till Sunday. XD It seems that many of my odder comics happen on Sunday. Isn't that odd? Anyway, continue to vote for me, even if it really isn't working.. ::glares:: September 3, 2002- Happy Labor Day! 2 days late! ^--^ Okay, so it's a filler. XP to you who will complain. To compensate (ooo big word) the Gallery is shibby. Why? Now there are thumbnails, and 3 more pictures! 2 color and one B/W. ^-^ I already have the Halloween comic ready. Anywho, there should be no fillers for a while... at least if I wish to read Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha and Fushigi Yuugi are my inspiration. ^-^ PS- Amiboshi RULES to anyone who cares. ALSO! CONTINUE TO VOTE FOR ME! ^-^ Thank you. Have a nice day. September 1, 2002- Woo! We've been up for a month! Isn't that shibby? Anyway, really peverish comic today... I sorry, and it's not even good. ::sigh:: Oh well. XD On Wednesday I'm putting up my Labor Day special... ^^' It's odd. Redid the profiles today so that they aren't so... spoiler filled. Then now include stats! ^-^ Oh! I joined The Best Shounen-ai Sites thing, so vote for me. Please? I'll give you a cookie.. |
Disclaimer- TTT and all it's parts belong to Desperado Surgoi- 2002. Steal anything, and you will pay the price. Layout V2 belongs to Desperado Surgoi.
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